Is my roof suitable for solar

Is My Roof Suitable for Solar? AGuide from TJS Solar

Installing solar panels is a fantasticway to save on energy costs, increase the value of your property, andcontribute to a more sustainable environment. However, not every roof isequally suited to solar energy. At TJS Solar, we’re committed to helping youdetermine whether solar is the right choice for your home or business. Here’s acloser look at the factors that impact a roof's suitability for solar panels.

1. Roof Orientation: Is Your RoofFacing the Right Way?

The direction your roof faces has a bigimpact on solar efficiency. In the Northern Hemisphere, a south-facing roofcaptures the most sunlight throughout the day, which makes it ideal for solarpanels. East- and west-facing roofs can also work, but they may capture lesssunlight, impacting energy production.

Quick Tip:Don’t worry if your roof isn’t perfectly south-facing; with the right placementand panel types, we can still make solar work for you. Our team can assess thespecific angles and shading factors to find the best solution.

2. Roof Angle: How Steep is YourRoof?

The slope of your roof is also essential.Most solar panels work best at a tilt between 15 to 40 degrees. If your roof isflat or has an unusual pitch, you might need special mounting systems to ensureoptimal sunlight exposure.

Our TJS Solar team will consider yourroof’s angle and may suggest additional framing if needed. Our goal is alwaysto help you maximize your energy output and get the most value from yourinvestment.

3. Roof Condition: Is Your RoofReady for Solar?

Since solar panels are a long-terminvestment, it’s crucial that your roof is in good condition beforeinstallation. If your roof needs repair or replacement, it’s best to addressthese issues beforehand. Solar panels typically last for 25-30 years, so you’llwant a roof that’s just as durable.

Quick Tip: Ifyour roof is nearing the end of its life, consider combining roof repair orreplacement with solar installation. This can save you time and money down theroad.

4. Roof Size: Do You Have EnoughSpace?

The number of solar panels needed dependson your energy needs, and that means space matters. For homes with limited roofspace, high-efficiency panels can help you get the energy output you need. Ingeneral, a typical home solar system requires between 200 to 400 square feet ofroof space, depending on energy needs.

At TJS Solar, we offer consultations tohelp you understand how many panels you need, considering both your energygoals and the available space.

5. Shading: How Much Shade DoesYour Roof Get?

Trees, nearby buildings, and otherobstructions can cast shadows on your roof, reducing solar panel efficiency.Ideally, your roof should have little to no shade between the prime sunlighthours (9 AM to 3 PM).

Our TJS Solar team can assess the levelof shading using special tools and recommend solutions, like trimming nearbytrees or adjusting panel placement, to make the most of available sunlight.

6. Roof Material: Does Your RoofSupport Solar Panels?

While solar panels can be installed onnearly any roof type, some materials are more conducive to a seamlessinstallation. Asphalt shingles, metal, and concrete tile roofs are generallythe most solar-friendly. Roofs made of slate or wood shake, however, mayrequire additional steps for a safe installation.

We’ll walk you through anymaterial-specific considerations during our site visit, ensuring your roof isboth compatible and secure for solar.

Take the Next Step with TJS Solar

Curious to see if solar will work on yourroof? Contact TJS Solar today for a free consultation! Our team of solarexperts will evaluate your roof's orientation, shading, condition, and more tocreate a customised solar solution tailored to your home’s unique needs.

Whether you're ready to install or justexploring your options, we’re here to help make solar energy accessible,affordable, and optimised for you.

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Tony Sinclair
5 min read